Food safety and quality is a top priority at Instacart. We make sure that all shoppers are well-equipped with knowledge to make sure your food is properly picked and maintained at all stages of the shopping process.
Educating shoppers on food safety
We help prepare shoppers to safely handle and transport food with an interactive Food Safety Walkthrough and a Shopper Food Safety Requirements and Best Practices guide. Shoppers learn to look for the freshest possible items and pay special attention to expiration dates, broken seals, and the quality of fresh produce.
Storing food properly
Orders that are placed for a later delivery may get shopped in advance and delivered by another shopper. We make sure that all items are maintained in temperature-controlled fridges and freezers at the store until the driver arrives.
We’ve also implemented the use of insulated bags and coolers to make sure your items stay at the correct temperature while in transit from the store to you.